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Gigabyte GAX38DQ6 install problem


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Hi everyone:-) I am old Hackintosh boy but i assembled last one on Asus P5B in 2008 i think or 2009..doesn't matter....it was not easy at this time:-) but lot of guys from different forums helped me to do it....and i work with it till yesterday...and he was gone ....RIP:-))

Now i have Retail Snow Leopard and Gigabyte mobo GAX38 DQ6 and ati 5770 graphic card...RME Hamerfall HDSP 9652 audio card

I try o install it with Empire EFI bootloader but graphic is not working ( i have only 1024x576) resolution and quite wrong recomended hardware ( Intel Xeon instead of Intel Quad core etc etc...) only the network adatper working fine....

The most important thing is that i need support for dual screen video....

Is there any suggestions to fix this computer? I really need it for serious job...i must replace my old Hack with this one and now i have a problem...

Any suggestion will be appreciated...

THX in advance....

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