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Olá pessoal,

tenho um hackintosh instalado e funcionando perfeitamente. O único problema é que o microfone está configurado para ser usado em Pink Front(entrada frontal) e meu gabinete não tem entrada frontal de microfone. Nas opções(System preferences\sound\aba input) aparece apenas a opção Pink Front. Eu uso muito o skype e isso ta me impedindo de usar. Alguém pode me ajudar a mudar a entrada pra Pink Rear ?(Entrada trazeira)?? Pelo que andei pesquisando tem que editar a kext. Uso a viahda.kext.



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Essa ViaHDA deve ser uma VoodooHDA renomeada.

Veja aqui como editar a kext



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Skrill [email protected]BTC 33HeGCuCSh4tUBqdYkQqKpSDa1E7WeAJQ3

PicPay @danielnmaldonado - PiX @[email protected]

Premium Users HERE - Problems with Paypal HERE


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Então você tem que partir pra solução 2, fazer um dump e tentar ajustar os PinDefaults adicionando NodesToPatch.


PayPal HERE - Stripe HERE - BuyMeaCoffee HERE - Mercado Livre HERE

Skrill [email protected]BTC 33HeGCuCSh4tUBqdYkQqKpSDa1E7WeAJQ3

PicPay @danielnmaldonado - PiX @[email protected]

Premium Users HERE - Problems with Paypal HERE


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Putzz cara.. ta muito complicado... dá uma olhada como tá a minha kext, to com dificuldade q to usando hackintosh a muito pouco tempo.. :/

to meio enrolado...


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">


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Foi você que botou esses NodesToPatch ou já pegou assim?

Você tem que ler o tópico que eu indiquei e conferir se esses PinDefaults estão certos.

Se quiser ajuda ao menos poste o seu dump (use o getDump), sem isso não dá pra fazer nada.


PayPal HERE - Stripe HERE - BuyMeaCoffee HERE - Mercado Livre HERE

Skrill [email protected]BTC 33HeGCuCSh4tUBqdYkQqKpSDa1E7WeAJQ3

PicPay @danielnmaldonado - PiX @[email protected]

Premium Users HERE - Problems with Paypal HERE


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Baixei o getdump no site e executei. Apareceu isso no terminal:


Last login: Sat Sep 17 13:09:55 on ttys000
/Users/marcos/Downloads/getdump ; exit;
Marcoss-iMac:~ marcos$ /Users/marcos/Downloads/getdump ; exit;
Found a device of class VoodooHDADevice: IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/pci8086,27d8@1B/VoodooHDADevice

Probing codec #0...
HDA Codec #0: VIA VT1708S_4
HDA Codec ID: 0x11064397
      Vendor: 0x1106
      Device: 0x4397
    Revision: 0x00
    Stepping: 0x00
PCI Subvendor: 0x83d41043
startNode=1 endNode=2
Found audio FG nid=1 startNode=16 endNode=40 total=24

Processing audio FG cad=0 nid=1...
Powering up...
Parsing audio FG...
GPIO: 0x40000001 NumGPIO=1 NumGPO=0 NumGPI=0 GPIWake=0 GPIUnsol=1
nid 25 0x410110f0 as 15 seq  0      Line-out  None jack  1 loc  1 color   Black misc 0
nid 26 0x01a19036 as  3 seq  6    Microphone  Jack jack  1 loc  1 color    Pink misc 0
nid 27 0x0181303e as  3 seq 14       Line-in  Jack jack  1 loc  1 color    Blue misc 0
nid 28 0x01014010 as  1 seq  0      Line-out  Jack jack  1 loc  1 color   Green misc 0
nid 29 0x0221401f as  1 seq 15    Headphones  Jack jack  1 loc  2 color   Green misc 0
nid 30 0x02a19037 as  3 seq  7    Microphone  Jack jack  1 loc  2 color    Pink misc 0
nid 31 0x90370138 as  3 seq  8            CD Fixed jack  7 loc 16 color Unknown misc 1
nid 32 0x474411f0 as 15 seq  0     SPDIF-out  None jack  4 loc  7 color   Black misc 1
nid 33 0x585600f0 as 15 seq  0   Digital-out  None jack  6 loc 24 color Unknown misc 0
nid 34 0x410160f0 as 15 seq  0      Line-out  None jack  1 loc  1 color  Orange misc 0
nid 35 0x410120f0 as 15 seq  0      Line-out  None jack  1 loc  1 color    Grey misc 0
Parsing vendor patch...
VHDevice NID=16 Config=00000000 Type=00000000 Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns:
VHDevice NID=17 Config=00000000 Type=00000000 Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns:
VHDevice NID=18 Config=00000000 Type=00000000 Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns:
VHDevice NID=19 Config=00000000 Type=00000001 Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns: 0=23
VHDevice NID=20 Config=00000000 Type=00000001 Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns: 0=30
VHDevice NID=21 Config=00000000 Type=00000000 Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns:
VHDevice NID=22 Config=00000000 Type=00000002 Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns: 0=16 1=31 2=26 3=27 4=30 5=29 6=37
VHDevice NID=23 Config=00000000 Type=00000003 Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns: 0=31 1=26 2=27 3=30 4=29 5=22
VHDevice NID=24 Config=00000000 Type=00000003 Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns: 0=17
VHDevice NID=25 Config=01011040 Type=00000004 Cap=00000014 Ctrl=00000040 -- Conns: 0=24
VHDevice NID=26 Config=01a190a0 Type=00000004 Cap=00002334 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns: 0=38
VHDevice NID=27 Config=01813050 Type=00000004 Cap=00002334 Ctrl=00000025 -- Conns: 0=23
VHDevice NID=28 Config=01014010 Type=00000004 Cap=0001001c Ctrl=00000040 -- Conns: 0=22
VHDevice NID=29 Config=02214020 Type=00000004 Cap=0000233c Ctrl=000000c0 -- Conns: 0=37
VHDevice NID=30 Config=02a19060 Type=00000004 Cap=0000233c Ctrl=00000025 -- Conns: 0=20
VHDevice NID=31 Config=903701b0 Type=00000004 Cap=00000020 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns:
VHDevice NID=32 Config=07431180 Type=00000004 Cap=00000010 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns: 0=18
VHDevice NID=33 Config=07451170 Type=00000004 Cap=00000010 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns: 0=21
VHDevice NID=34 Config=410160f0 Type=00000004 Cap=00000014 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns: 0=38
VHDevice NID=35 Config=01012090 Type=00000004 Cap=00000014 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns: 0=39
VHDevice NID=36 Config=00000000 Type=00000000 Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns:
VHDevice NID=37 Config=00000000 Type=00000000 Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns:
VHDevice NID=38 Config=00000000 Type=00000003 Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns: 0=36
VHDevice NID=39 Config=00000000 Type=00000003 Cap=00000000 Ctrl=00000000 -- Conns: 0=37
Disabling nonaudio...
Disabling useless...
Disabling pin nid 34 due to None connectivity.
Patched pins configuration:
nid 25 0x01011040 as  4 seq  0      Line-out  Jack jack  1 loc  1 color   Black misc 0
nid 26 0x01a190a0 as 10 seq  0    Microphone  Jack jack  1 loc  1 color    Pink misc 0
nid 27 0x01813050 as  5 seq  0       Line-in  Jack jack  1 loc  1 color    Blue misc 0
nid 28 0x01014010 as  1 seq  0      Line-out  Jack jack  1 loc  1 color   Green misc 0
nid 29 0x02214020 as  2 seq  0    Headphones  Jack jack  1 loc  2 color   Green misc 0
nid 30 0x02a19060 as  6 seq  0    Microphone  Jack jack  1 loc  2 color    Pink misc 0
nid 31 0x903701b0 as 11 seq  0            CD Fixed jack  7 loc 16 color Unknown misc 1
nid 32 0x07431180 as  8 seq  0     SPDIF-out  Jack jack  3 loc  7 color   Black misc 1
nid 33 0x07451170 as  7 seq  0     SPDIF-out  Jack jack  5 loc  7 color   Black misc 1
nid 34 0x410160f0 as 15 seq  0      Line-out  None jack  1 loc  1 color  Orange misc 0 [DISABLED]
nid 35 0x01012090 as  9 seq  0      Line-out  Jack jack  1 loc  1 color    Grey misc 0
Parsing pin associations...
10 associations found:
Association 0 (1) out:
Pin nid=28 seq=0
  Redir type=-1 jack=0 def=0
Association 1 (2) out:
Pin nid=29 seq=0
  Redir type=-1 jack=0 def=0
Association 2 (4) out:
Pin nid=25 seq=0
  Redir type=-1 jack=0 def=0
Association 3 (5) in:
Pin nid=27 seq=0
  Redir type=-1 jack=0 def=0
Association 4 (6) in:
Pin nid=30 seq=0
  Redir type=-1 jack=0 def=0
Association 5 (7) out:
Pin nid=33 seq=0
  Redir type=-1 jack=-1 def=0
Association 6 (8) out:
Pin nid=32 seq=0
  Redir type=-1 jack=-1 def=0
Association 7 (9) out:
Pin nid=35 seq=0
  Redir type=-1 jack=0 def=0
Association 8 (10) in:
Pin nid=26 seq=0
  Redir type=-1 jack=0 def=0
Association 9 (11) in:
Pin nid=31 seq=0
  Redir type=-1 jack=-1 def=0
Building AFG tree...
Tracing association 0 (1)
Tracing pin 28 with min nid 0
 tracing via nid 28
  tracing via nid 22
   tracing via nid 16
   nid 16 returned 16
   tracing via nid 31
   tracing via nid 26
   tracing via nid 27
   tracing via nid 30
   tracing via nid 29
   tracing via nid 37
   nid 37 returned 37
  nid 22 returned 16
 nid 28 returned 16
Pin 28 traced to DAC 16
Association 0 (1) trace succeeded
Tracing association 1 (2)
Tracing pin 29 with min nid 0
 tracing via nid 29
  tracing via nid 37
  nid 37 returned 37
 nid 29 returned 37
Pin 29 traced to DAC 37
Association 1 (2) trace succeeded
Tracing association 2 (4)
Tracing pin 25 with min nid 0
 tracing via nid 25
  tracing via nid 24
   tracing via nid 17
   nid 17 returned 17
  nid 24 returned 17
 nid 25 returned 17
Pin 25 traced to DAC 17
Association 2 (4) trace succeeded
Tracing association 3 (5)
Tracing pin 27 to ADC 19
 tracing via nid 27
  tracing via nid 22
  nid 22 busy by association 0
  tracing via nid 23
   tracing via nid 19
   nid 19 returned 1
   tracing via nid 27
   nid 27 returned 0
  nid 23 returned 1
 nid 27 returned 1
Pin 27 traced to ADC 19
Association 3 (5) trace succeeded
Tracing association 4 (6)
Tracing pin 30 to ADC 20
 tracing via nid 30
  tracing via nid 20
  nid 20 returned 1
  tracing via nid 22
  nid 22 busy by association 0
  tracing via nid 23
  nid 23 busy by association 3
 nid 30 returned 1
Pin 30 traced to ADC 20
Association 4 (6) trace succeeded
Tracing association 5 (7)
Tracing pin 33 with min nid 0
 tracing via nid 33
  tracing via nid 21
  nid 21 returned 21
 nid 33 returned 21
Pin 33 traced to DAC 21
Association 5 (7) trace succeeded
Tracing association 6 (8)
Tracing pin 32 with min nid 0
 tracing via nid 32
  tracing via nid 18
  nid 18 returned 18
 nid 32 returned 18
Pin 32 traced to DAC 18
Association 6 (8) trace succeeded
Tracing association 7 (9)
Tracing pin 35 with min nid 0
 tracing via nid 35
  tracing via nid 39
   tracing via nid 37
   nid 37 busy by association 1
Unable to trace pin 35 seq 0 with min nid 0
Association 7 (9) trace failed
Tracing association 8 (10)
Association 8 (10) trace failed
Tracing association 9 (11)
Association 9 (11) trace failed
Tracing input monitor
Tracing other input monitors
Tracing nid 27 to out
 tracing via nid 27
  tracing via nid 22
  nid 22 found output association 0
  tracing via nid 23
  nid 23 busy by input association 3
 nid 27 returned 1
nid 27 is input monitor
Tracing nid 30 to out
 tracing via nid 30
  tracing via nid 20
  nid 20 busy by input association 4
  tracing via nid 22
  nid 22 found output association 0
  tracing via nid 23
  nid 23 busy by input association 3
 nid 30 returned 1
nid 30 is input monitor
Tracing beeper
Disabling unassociated widgets...
Disabling unassociated nid 26.
Disabling unassociated nid 31.
Disabling unassociated nid 35.
Disabling unassociated nid 36.
Disabling unassociated nid 38.
Disabling unassociated nid 39.
Disabling connection to input pin nid 27 conn 0.
Disabling connection from output pin nid 22 conn 5 cnid 29.
Disabling connection from output pin nid 23 conn 4 cnid 29.
Disabling connection to input pin nid 30 conn 0.
Disabling nonselected inputs...
Disabling useless...
Disabling nid 22 connection 1 due to disabled child widget.
Disabling nid 22 connection 2 due to disabled child widget.
Disabling nid 23 connection 0 due to disabled child widget.
Disabling nid 23 connection 1 due to disabled child widget.
Disabling crossassociated connections...
Disabling crossassociated connection nid 23 conn 3 cnid 30.
Disabling crossassociated connection nid 23 conn 5 cnid 22.
Disabling useless...
Binding associations to channels...
Assigning names to signal sources...
Parsing Ctls...
Assigning mixers to the tree...
Preparing pin controls...
AFG commit...
Creating PCM devices...
pcmAttach: HDA VIA VT1708S_4 PCM #0 Analog at cad 0 nid 1
| DUMPING PCM Playback/Record Channels |


    Stream cap: 0x00000001
       PCM cap: 0x000e05e0
                16 20 24 bits, 44 48 88 96 192 KHz
           DAC: 16


    Stream cap: 0x00000001
       PCM cap: 0x000e0560
                16 20 24 bits, 44 48 96 192 KHz
           ADC: 19

| DUMPING Playback/Record Paths |


   nid=28 [pin: Line-out (Green Rear)]
     + <- nid=22 [audio mixer]


   nid=19 [audio input]
     + <- nid=23 [audio selector] [src: line] bindSeq=00000001

| DUMPING Volume Controls |

Master Volume (OSS: vol)
  +- control  5 (nid  22 in   0): dir - out oss: vol -34/+12dB (32 steps) + mute
  +- control  6 (nid  22 in   3): dir - out oss: vol, line, igain -34/+12dB (32 steps) + mute
  +- control  7 (nid  22 in   4): dir - out oss: vol, mic, igain -34/+12dB (32 steps) + mute
  +- control  9 (nid  22 in   6): dir - out oss: vol -34/+12dB (32 steps) + mute
  +- control 11 (nid  28 out):    dir - out oss: vol mute

PCM Volume (OSS: pcm)
  +- control  1 (nid  16 out):    dir - out oss: pcm -63/+0dB (43 steps)

Microphone Volume (OSS: mic)
  +- control  7 (nid  22 in   4): dir - out oss: vol, mic, igain -34/+12dB (32 steps) + mute

Line-in Volume (OSS: line)
  +- control  3 (nid  19 in   0): dir - in oss: line, rec -16/+30dB (32 steps) + mute
  +- control  6 (nid  22 in   3): dir - out oss: vol, line, igain -34/+12dB (32 steps) + mute

Recording Level (OSS: rec)
  +- control  3 (nid  19 in   0): dir - in oss: line, rec -16/+30dB (32 steps) + mute

Input Monitoring Level (OSS: igain)
  +- control  6 (nid  22 in   3): dir - out oss: vol, line, igain -34/+12dB (32 steps) + mute
  +- control  7 (nid  22 in   4): dir - out oss: vol, mic, igain -34/+12dB (32 steps) + mute

OSS mixer initialization...
Recsel (line, mic, cd, monitor): nid 23 source 2 select
Registering PCM channels...
pcmAttach: HDA VIA VT1708S_4 PCM #1 Analog at cad 0 nid 1
| DUMPING PCM Playback/Record Channels |


    Stream cap: 0x00000001
       PCM cap: 0x000e05e0
                16 20 24 bits, 44 48 88 96 192 KHz
           DAC: 37


    Stream cap: 0x00000001
       PCM cap: 0x000e0560
                16 20 24 bits, 44 48 96 192 KHz
           ADC: 20

| DUMPING Playback/Record Paths |


   nid=29 [pin: Headphones (Green Front)]
     + <- nid=37 [audio output] [src: pcm] bindSeq=00000001


   nid=20 [audio input]
     + <- nid=30 [pin: Microphone (Pink Front)] [src: mic] bindSeq=00000001

| DUMPING Volume Controls |

Master Volume (OSS: vol)
  +- control 12 (nid  29 out):    dir - out oss: vol, pcm mute

PCM Volume (OSS: pcm)
  +- control 12 (nid  29 out):    dir - out oss: vol, pcm mute
  +- control 14 (nid  37 out):    dir - out oss: pcm -63/+0dB (43 steps)

Microphone Volume (OSS: mic)
  +- control  4 (nid  20 in   0): dir - in oss: mic, rec -16/+30dB (32 steps) + mute

Recording Level (OSS: rec)
  +- control  4 (nid  20 in   0): dir - in oss: mic, rec -16/+30dB (32 steps) + mute

OSS mixer initialization...
Registering PCM channels...
pcmAttach: HDA VIA VT1708S_4 PCM #2 Analog at cad 0 nid 1
| DUMPING PCM Playback/Record Channels |


    Stream cap: 0x00000001
       PCM cap: 0x000e05e0
                16 20 24 bits, 44 48 88 96 192 KHz
           DAC: 17

| DUMPING Playback/Record Paths |


   nid=25 [pin: Line-out (Black Rear)]
     + <- nid=24 [audio selector] [src: pcm] bindSeq=00000001

| DUMPING Volume Controls |

Master Volume (OSS: vol)
  +- control  2 (nid  17 out):    dir - out oss: vol, pcm -63/+0dB (43 steps)
  +- control 10 (nid  24 out):    dir - out oss: vol, pcm mute

PCM Volume (OSS: pcm)
  +- control  2 (nid  17 out):    dir - out oss: vol, pcm -63/+0dB (43 steps)
  +- control 10 (nid  24 out):    dir - out oss: vol, pcm mute

OSS mixer initialization...
Recsel (line, mic, cd, monitor): nid 22 source 0 mute
Recsel (line, mic, cd, monitor): nid 22 source 3 unmute
Recsel (line, mic, cd, monitor): nid 22 source 4 unmute
Recsel (line, mic, cd, monitor): nid 22 source 6 mute
Registering PCM channels...
pcmAttach: HDA VIA VT1708S_4 PCM #3 Digital at cad 0 nid 1
| DUMPING PCM Playback/Record Channels |


    Stream cap: 0x00000005
                AC3 PCM
       PCM cap: 0x000e05e0
                16 20 24 bits, 44 48 88 96 192 KHz
           DAC: 21

| DUMPING Playback/Record Paths |


   nid=33 [pin: SPDIF-out (Black Rear Pane]
     + <- nid=21 [audio output] [src: pcm] bindSeq=00000001

| DUMPING Volume Controls |

OSS mixer initialization...
Recsel (line, mic, cd, monitor): nid 22 source 0 mute
Recsel (line, mic, cd, monitor): nid 22 source 3 unmute
Recsel (line, mic, cd, monitor): nid 22 source 4 unmute
Recsel (line, mic, cd, monitor): nid 22 source 6 mute
Registering PCM channels...
pcmAttach: HDA VIA VT1708S_4 PCM #4 Digital at cad 0 nid 1
| DUMPING PCM Playback/Record Channels |


    Stream cap: 0x00000005
                AC3 PCM
       PCM cap: 0x000e05e0
                16 20 24 bits, 44 48 88 96 192 KHz
           DAC: 18

| DUMPING Playback/Record Paths |


   nid=32 [pin: SPDIF-out (Black Rear Pane]
     + <- nid=18 [audio output] [src: pcm] bindSeq=00000001

| DUMPING Volume Controls |

OSS mixer initialization...
Recsel (line, mic, cd, monitor): nid 22 source 0 mute
Recsel (line, mic, cd, monitor): nid 22 source 3 unmute
Recsel (line, mic, cd, monitor): nid 22 source 4 unmute
Recsel (line, mic, cd, monitor): nid 22 source 6 mute
Registering PCM channels...
FG config/quirks: forcestereo ivref50 ivref80 ivref100 ivref
HP switch init...


Default Parameter
        IN amp: 0x00000000
       OUT amp: 0x00000000

           nid: 16
          Name: audio output
    Widget cap: 0x0000041d
                PWR STEREO
   Association: 0 (0x00000001)
           OSS: pcm (pcm)
    Stream cap: 0x00000001
       PCM cap: 0x000e05e0
                16 20 24 bits, 44 48 88 96 192 KHz
    Output amp: 0x00052a2a
                mute=0 step=42 size=5 offset=42
    Output val: [0x26 0x26]

           nid: 17
          Name: audio output
    Widget cap: 0x0000041d
                PWR STEREO
   Association: 2 (0x00000001)
           OSS: pcm (pcm)
    Stream cap: 0x00000001
       PCM cap: 0x000e05e0
                16 20 24 bits, 44 48 88 96 192 KHz
    Output amp: 0x00052a2a
                mute=0 step=42 size=5 offset=42
    Output val: [0x1C 0x1C]

           nid: 18
          Name: audio output
    Widget cap: 0x00000611
                PWR DIGITAL STEREO
   Association: 6 (0x00000001)
           OSS: pcm (pcm)
    Stream cap: 0x00000001
       PCM cap: 0x000e05e0
                16 20 24 bits, 44 48 88 96 192 KHz

           nid: 19
          Name: audio input
    Widget cap: 0x0010051b
                PWR STEREO
   Association: 3 (0x00000001)
    Stream cap: 0x00000001
       PCM cap: 0x000e0560
                16 20 24 bits, 44 48 96 192 KHz
     Input amp: 0x80051f0b
                mute=1 step=31 size=5 offset=11
     Input val: [0x11 0x11] 
   connections: 1 enabled 1
         + <- nid=23 [audio selector]

           nid: 20
          Name: audio input
    Widget cap: 0x0010051b
                PWR STEREO
   Association: 4 (0x00000001)
    Stream cap: 0x00000001
       PCM cap: 0x000e0560
                16 20 24 bits, 44 48 96 192 KHz
     Input amp: 0x80051f0b
                mute=1 step=31 size=5 offset=11
     Input val: [0x0B 0x0B] 
   connections: 1 enabled 1
         + <- nid=30 [pin: Microphone (Pink Front)]

           nid: 21
          Name: audio output
    Widget cap: 0x00000611
                PWR DIGITAL STEREO
   Association: 5 (0x00000001)
           OSS: pcm (pcm)
    Stream cap: 0x00000001
       PCM cap: 0x000e05e0
                16 20 24 bits, 44 48 88 96 192 KHz

           nid: 22
          Name: audio mixer
    Widget cap: 0x0020050b
                PWR STEREO
   Association: 0 (0x00000001)
           OSS:  (igain)
     Input amp: 0x80051f17
                mute=1 step=31 size=5 offset=23
     Input val: [forceMute forceMute] [0x97 0x97] [0x97 0x97] [0x0E 0x0E] [0x09 0x09] [0x17 0x17] [forceMute forceMute] 
   connections: 7 enabled 4
         + <- nid=16 [audio output]
         + [DISABLED] <- nid=31 [pin: CD (Analog)] [DISABLED]
         + [DISABLED] <- nid=26 [pin: Microphone (Pink Rear)] [DISABLED]
         + <- nid=27 [pin: Line-in (Blue Rear)]
         + <- nid=30 [pin: Microphone (Pink Front)]
         + [DISABLED] <- nid=29 [pin: Headphones (Green Front)]
         + <- nid=37 [audio output]

           nid: 23
          Name: audio selector
    Widget cap: 0x00300501
                PWR STEREO
   Association: 3 (0x00000001)
           OSS: line
   connections: 6 enabled 1
         + [DISABLED] <- nid=31 [pin: CD (Analog)] [DISABLED]
         + [DISABLED] <- nid=26 [pin: Microphone (Pink Rear)] [DISABLED]
         + <- nid=27 [pin: Line-in (Blue Rear)] (selected)
         + [DISABLED] <- nid=30 [pin: Microphone (Pink Front)]
         + [DISABLED] <- nid=29 [pin: Headphones (Green Front)]
         + [DISABLED] <- nid=22 [audio mixer]

           nid: 24
          Name: audio selector
    Widget cap: 0x0030050d
                PWR STEREO
   Association: 2 (0x00000001)
           OSS: pcm
    Output amp: 0x80000000
                mute=1 step=0 size=0 offset=0
    Output val: [0x00 0x00]
   connections: 1 enabled 1
         + <- nid=17 [audio output]

           nid: 25
          Name: pin: Line-out (Black Rear)
    Widget cap: 0x00400581
                PWR UNSOL STEREO
   Association: 2 (0x00000001)
       Pin cap: 0x00000014
                PDC OUT
    Pin config: 0x01011040
   Pin control: 0x00000040 OUT
   connections: 1 enabled 1
         + <- nid=24 [audio selector]

           nid: 26 [DISABLED]
          Name: pin: Microphone (Pink Rear)
    Widget cap: 0x00400581
                PWR UNSOL STEREO
       Pin cap: 0x00002334
                PDC OUT IN VREF[ 50 100 HIZ ]
    Pin config: 0x01a190a0
   Pin control: 0x00000000
   connections: 1 enabled 1
         + <- nid=38 [audio selector] [DISABLED]

           nid: 27
          Name: pin: Line-in (Blue Rear)
    Widget cap: 0x00400581
                PWR UNSOL STEREO
   Association: 3 (0x00000001)
           OSS: line (line)
       Pin cap: 0x00002334
                PDC OUT IN VREF[ 50 100 HIZ ]
    Pin config: 0x01813050
   Pin control: 0x00000025 IN VREFs
   connections: 1 enabled 0
         + [DISABLED] <- nid=23 [audio selector]

           nid: 28
          Name: pin: Line-out (Green Rear)
    Widget cap: 0x0040058d
                PWR UNSOL STEREO
   Association: 0 (0x00000001)
       Pin cap: 0x0001001c
                PDC HP OUT EAPD
    Pin config: 0x01014010
   Pin control: 0x00000040 OUT
          EAPD: 0x00000002
    Output amp: 0x80000000
                mute=1 step=0 size=0 offset=0
    Output val: [0x00 0x00]
   connections: 1 enabled 1
         + <- nid=22 [audio mixer]

           nid: 29
          Name: pin: Headphones (Green Front)
    Widget cap: 0x0040058d
                PWR UNSOL STEREO
   Association: 1 (0x00000001)
       Pin cap: 0x0000233c
                PDC HP OUT IN VREF[ 50 100 HIZ ]
    Pin config: 0x02214020
   Pin control: 0x000000c0 HP OUT
    Output amp: 0x80000000
                mute=1 step=0 size=0 offset=0
    Output val: [0x00 0x00]
   connections: 1 enabled 1
         + <- nid=37 [audio output]

           nid: 30
          Name: pin: Microphone (Pink Front)
    Widget cap: 0x0040058d
                PWR UNSOL STEREO
   Association: 4 (0x00000001)
           OSS: mic (mic)
       Pin cap: 0x0000233c
                PDC HP OUT IN VREF[ 50 100 HIZ ]
    Pin config: 0x02a19060
   Pin control: 0x00000025 IN VREFs
    Output amp: 0x80000000
                mute=1 step=0 size=0 offset=0
    Output val: [0x00 0x00]
   connections: 1 enabled 0
         + [DISABLED] <- nid=20 [audio input]

           nid: 31 [DISABLED]
          Name: pin: CD (Analog)
    Widget cap: 0x00400401
                PWR STEREO
       Pin cap: 0x00000020
    Pin config: 0x903701b0
   Pin control: 0x00000000

           nid: 32
          Name: pin: SPDIF-out (Black Rear Pane
    Widget cap: 0x00400701
                PWR DIGITAL STEREO
   Association: 6 (0x00000001)
       Pin cap: 0x00000010
    Pin config: 0x07431180
   Pin control: 0x00000040 OUT
   connections: 1 enabled 1
         + <- nid=18 [audio output]

           nid: 33
          Name: pin: SPDIF-out (Black Rear Pane
    Widget cap: 0x00400701
                PWR DIGITAL STEREO
   Association: 5 (0x00000001)
       Pin cap: 0x00000010
    Pin config: 0x07451170
   Pin control: 0x00000040 OUT
   connections: 1 enabled 1
         + <- nid=21 [audio output]

           nid: 34 [DISABLED]
          Name: pin: Line-out (None)
    Widget cap: 0x00400581
                PWR UNSOL STEREO
       Pin cap: 0x00000014
                PDC OUT
    Pin config: 0x410160f0
   Pin control: 0x00000000
   connections: 1 enabled 1
         + <- nid=38 [audio selector] [DISABLED]

           nid: 35 [DISABLED]
          Name: pin: Line-out (Grey Rear)
    Widget cap: 0x00400581
                PWR UNSOL STEREO
       Pin cap: 0x00000014
                PDC OUT
    Pin config: 0x01012090
   Pin control: 0x00000000
   connections: 1 enabled 1
         + <- nid=39 [audio selector] [DISABLED]

           nid: 36 [DISABLED]
          Name: audio output
    Widget cap: 0x0000041d
                PWR STEREO
    Stream cap: 0x00000001
       PCM cap: 0x000e05e0
                16 20 24 bits, 44 48 88 96 192 KHz
    Output amp: 0x00052a2a
                mute=0 step=42 size=5 offset=42
    Output val: [0x2A 0x2A]

           nid: 37
          Name: audio output
    Widget cap: 0x0000041d
                PWR STEREO
   Association: 1 (0x00000001)
           OSS: pcm (pcm)
    Stream cap: 0x00000001
       PCM cap: 0x000e05e0
                16 20 24 bits, 44 48 88 96 192 KHz
    Output amp: 0x00052a2a
                mute=0 step=42 size=5 offset=42
    Output val: [0x26 0x26]

           nid: 38 [DISABLED]
          Name: audio selector
    Widget cap: 0x0030050d
                PWR STEREO
    Output amp: 0x80000000
                mute=1 step=0 size=0 offset=0
    Output val: [0x80 0x80]
   connections: 1 enabled 1
         + <- nid=36 [audio output] [DISABLED]

           nid: 39 [DISABLED]
          Name: audio selector
    Widget cap: 0x0030050d
                PWR STEREO
    Output amp: 0x80000000
                mute=1 step=0 size=0 offset=0
    Output val: [0x80 0x80]
   connections: 1 enabled 1
         + <- nid=37 [audio output]


[Process completed]

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Pegue a versão mais recente da VoodooHDA e refaça os NodesToPatch de acordo com o tópico, essa que você postou não tá muito certa, tem uns PinDefaults que não precisa e outros que estão errados, como o node 29 que o original estava certo e foi mudado, e o 31 que deveria ser desabilitado e foi mantido. Os microfones parecem certos, mas podem ser interferidos por outros erros, como o node 33 que foi ativado (você realmente tem digital-out?). Ative apenas as entradas e saídas que realmente existem na placa mãe.


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Editar o plist é fácil, o problema é saber que valor colocar, pra isso você vai ter que ler o tópico que eu indiquei.


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Eu tentaria com esses NodesToPatch:

nid 26 0x01a19040 (mudar default association)

nid 27 0x01813050 (mudar default association)

nid 30 0x02a19060 (mudar default association)

nid 31 0x50370138 (mudar port connectivity)

Se quiser ativar outras line-out é só mudar a port connectivity (41 -> 01) e botar default association diferente pra cada uma (70, 80, 90).

Pro volume: VoodooHDAEnableVolumeChangeFix

Também é uma boa usar o IOPCIPrimaryMatch.


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Pessoal.. o som ta funcionando 100%, perfeito e sem chiado depois que mudei a kext pra voodoo 2.7.2.

Só que o mic continua sem aparecer no input.. continua apenas com Blue Rear ao invés de aparecer Pink Rear.

Não sei se minha informação irá ajudar em alguma coisa mas lá vai..

Notei que no nodestopatch meu problema se encontra aqui:









Ao retirar essas linhas do plist, fui em System Preferences/Sound e notei que não apareceu mais BLUE REAR e sim NOT CONNECTED, só que ao falar no mic as barras de volume subiam, como se o mic estivesse ok, porém o som não saiu... :/

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Os NodesToPatch que vêm na VoodooHDA são apenas exemplos, você deve excluir todos e incluir apenas aqueles que eu sugeri.


Corrected v272 Attention! NodesToPatch in Info.plist here is only for sample.

You need to erase this sample or write something useful for you.


Coincidiu de um dos exemplos ser válido para o seu codec.


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cara desculpa minha ignorancia.. mas to enrolado mesmo :/

vamos la... vamos supor que vou colocar a nid 26 como vc indicou (nid 26 0x01a19040 (mudar default association) ). Nesse caso seria colocada na kext dessa forma ?









Ou não tem nada haver... não to entendendo qual a forma de acrescentar essa nid pra kext...

Onde fica o default association ai ??

Valeu pela atenção em galera... o site ta de parabéns..

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1) Remova todos os NodesToPatch que vieram na VoodooHDA

2) Inclua os 4 NodesToPatch que eu sugeri no post do dia 22



Repita para os outros 3 nodes.

Eu já postei os PinDefaults prontos, é só usar.

Default Association é o segundo caractere da direita para a esquerda. Aqui eu tentei explicar com mais detalhes http://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=509


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Eu faria baseado no getDump, minha sugestão é essa.

Não tenho mais como ajudar, até já dei os valores prontos, se você nem ao menos testar, não posso fazer mais nada.


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Opáa.. parece que dei um passo a frente..

Fiz o seguinte... dei uma olhada no getdump como você falou.. ai vi os valores do node 26 estavam diferentes.. no inicio aparece o config sendo 0x01a19036 e no final(era o que eu estava usando) aparecia 0x01a19060. Coloquei o novo, que ficou assim:









Finalmente apareceu nas configurações (system preferences\sound\INPUT) a opção PINK REAR como input. Eu falo no microfone e a barrinha de input level fica aumentando, porém nada da minha voz sair nas caixas de som. Acho que agora está mais perto.

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