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10 Warning: Message resourcesTag lager than field


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Everybody I am new here and sorry for my bad english

I´ve got this problem

I try to make a DSDT for my Hackintosh so I decide to take the DSDT Editor from here and the Patch

This is how I do it:

1.Boot into my System wich is OS X 10.6.8 launch DSDT Editor and Extract the DSDT

2.Just to check I the file is ok I try to compile the DSDT and get 3 Errors, 11 Warning, 0 Remarks, 276 Optimization

attached the file 1.Error.thumb.png.fa4c2ea49739946debabba76f5ede981.png

3. I click on the Button fix Errors and they get away

4.Patched the DSDT to get rid of the 194 (WAK) warning

So after all this is done I am still left with 10 Warnings

file is attached too 2.Error.png.70a3b5156ffee7d376b066b8f935c3a2.png

how can I get rid of them

here are the codes if its helps more


CreateByteField (BUF0, \_SB.PCI0.PX40.FDC0._CRS._Y01._MIN, IOLO)


CreateByteField (BUF0, \_SB.PCI0.PX40.FDC0._CRS._Y01._MAX, IORL)


CreateByteField (BUF1, \_SB.PCI0.PX40.UAR1._CRS._Y02._MIN, IOLO)


CreateByteField (BUF1, \_SB.PCI0.PX40.UAR1._CRS._Y02._MAX, IORL)


CreateByteField (BUF5, \_SB.PCI0.PX40.LPT1._CRS._Y04._MIN, IOLO)


CreateByteField (BUF5, \_SB.PCI0.PX40.LPT1._CRS._Y04._MAX, IORL)


CreateByteField (BUF6, \_SB.PCI0.PX40.ECP1._CRS._Y06._MIN, IOLO)


CreateByteField (BUF6, \_SB.PCI0.PX40.ECP1._CRS._Y06._MAX, IORL)


CreateByteField (BUF6, \_SB.PCI0.PX40.ECP1._CRS._Y07._MIN, IOEL)


CreateByteField (BUF6, \_SB.PCI0.PX40.ECP1._CRS._Y07._MAX, IOML)


thanks in advance for the help and great job


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I would not modify that but if you really want to eliminate the warnings change CreateByteField to CreateWordField.


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thanks for the reply


Why I should not modify the warning?


here my DSDT + ioreg + dmesg Archiv.zip


I have notice that I don´t got c-stated and some other issues hope I can get rid of this few problems

Would like to have Sleep and APM after two year of working around with kext etc...

thanks in advance

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Try this:[attachment=0]DSDT.aml.zip[/attachment]

Thanks for the reply and work, but unfortunately still no C-State and i can Reboot my System

If I go Sleep It´s shutdown the system and wakes it up if I pull the mouse and plug it back in :o

I also noticed with your DSDT.aml or my DSDT.aml the FAN´s speed is high and the system sound really loud :(

Thanks in advance if someone can help me out

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C and P states are not in DSDT.

Set in /Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist





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C and P states are not in DSDT.

Set in /Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist





I am using Chameleon RC4 r684 can also generate the C and P state there

or do I need the RC5, SVN2.0 or 2.1 ?

sorry but in the post http://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=1703

is no advice about the wich Chameleon Version I am a little confused right now

and how can I check I the C-P Stated are Loaded ?

and why I should not modify my DSDT with CreateWordField ?

thanks for the reply and sry for all those noobs questions


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Use latest Chameleon


To check C states you can use this (P & C states window)


I didn't say you shouldn't patch the warning lines, I said I would not, just because it works fine how it is.


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Use latest Chameleon


To check C states you can use this (P & C states window)


I didn't say you shouldn't patch the warning lines, I said I would not, just because it works fine how it is.


Thanks for the fast reply but unfortunately the Bootloader give me A KP

"The Chameleon-2.1 r2069 self compiled is working great"

Kernel Extension in backtrace (with dependencies)

com.apple.driver.AppleIntelCPUPowermanagement.kext :o:( I am fullynoob please don´t hate me

thanks in advance

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Do you have the patched DSDT and configured org.chameleon.Boot.plist (it's not com.apple.Boot.plist anymore) in /Extra?

I really don't know how the boot loader could cause the KP.


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Do you have the patched DSDT and configured org.chameleon.Boot.plist (it's not com.apple.Boot.plist anymore) in /Extra?

I really don't know how the boot loader could cause the KP.

Me too I just change the Bootloader and nothing else everything is like it was before Just the Bootloader is changing no kext

I have put the DSDT out of the /Extra folder because it´s to buggy my Fan speed is higher than without

CPU temp is on the 60 mark wich I don´t like here some pic´s of My system without the DSDTSystem_Info.zip


got nothing in /S/L/E hope it helps a little more

I´ll have also checked (under Chameleon r2069 with the entry I should make) the P and C state with SMC Monitor but there is nothing in the Window so I guess it´s not loaded

thanks in advance


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New Chameleon won't load kexts from /Extra/Extensions unless you install the KernelPatcher module or set UseKernelCache=No (actually it's the behavior for Mountain Lion, I don't know how it works for Snow Leopard, but you can try that).

You will have to remove NullCPUPowerManagement at some point to get P and C states working.

Make sure Finder is not hiding plist extension (preferences). I see you have com.apple.Boot and org.chameleon.Boot.plist (maybe it's named org.chameleon.Boot.plist.plist).

Set DSDT=/Extra/DSDT.aml (actually it's the default value) not only /Extra.

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New Chameleon won't load kexts from /Extra/Extensions unless you install the KernelPatcher module or set UseKernelCache=No (actually it's the behavior for Mountain Lion, I don't know how it works for Snow Leopard, but you can try that).

You will have to remove NullCPUPowerManagement at some point to get P and C states working.


Ahhh :o ok Thanks now I get a little Idiea of that all thank you very much!!!!! :D

So I have to make A DSDT to get rid of NullCPU.kext and than I get the C and P state ? is that right

If yes than I will need A DSDT wich is not going to Burn my CPU

cause the DSDT´s make me scared when I saw the temps

they were to hot, Fan on full speed :o system is now so quit and so smooth got 4900 Geekpoints I know its not much

but better than the late iMacs 2010 with 4GB ram and I only got 2GB what if I go up with the Q9660 and 16GB

I think it makes more than 4900 and for the machine is very good cause Itßs old hardware not even an i Core3 :D

If anyone is willing to help me with my DSDT It would be really nice

so to all thanks for the work and patches

without pro´s like you noob´s like me would still look out of the Windows :D:D and I hate it :roll:


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Try this (I just applied the patch from http://Olarila.com/forum/packs.php)



Check my previous post, I edited with some more info.


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Set DSDT=/Extra/DSDT.aml (actually it's the default value) not only /Extra.


Yes I do this cause of my workflow

I go to nano type the name of file and just add after /Extra the /DSDT.aml and if the DSDT is not OK just deleted it and rechange the entry as tit was

for my its easy ^^

Make sure Finder is not hiding plist extension (preferences). I see you have com.apple.Boot and org.chameleon.Boot.plist (maybe it's named org.chameleon.Boot.plist.plist).


no it´s not hidding I just put the extension away cause I needed it to copy a nother capple.plist so I just removed the extension of the file but only for the file not for other files or etc To cut a long story short it was only to copy a file with the same name :lol:

I will check the DSDT tomorrow or later have to make a break

lot of thanks for your work it help me lot


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I could not really make a break and it was worth it ^^

Thanks you so much pernacabeluda for me tonight your my Steve Job congrats you´ve made it

I got C+P stated I think but no Sleep OKI got sleep but the monitor stay black after the system wakes up

But so far It´s really cool thanks I own you a Diner if we met in real life ;-)

hope that the last issue is also to solved

lots of thanks man I am so glad right now you could not believe It ^^

here the stats with your modify DSDT stat with DSDT.zip

the system is cool like beofre 8-)

greats and cheers

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I'm glad it worked. About the video issue on wake, you can try the darkwake kernel flag (set darkwake=0 or 1). Also check if you have a BIOS setting like "repost video on S3 resume" and change it.


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I'm glad it worked. About the video issue on wake, you can try the darkwake kernel flag (set darkwake=0 or 1). Also check if you have a BIOS setting like "repost video on S3 resume" and change it.



checked my BIOS and the only options with S3 is "ACPI Suspend Type"

default value S3 the other value is S1

S3 (Suspend To RAM) S1 (Power On Suspend)

I have checked both options S3/S1 with both kernel flag 0/1 options nothing helped

thanks for the help

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