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Not able to update to 10.15.7


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I had installed catalina 10.15.3 and unfortunately it docent support Xcode, so I need to update it to latest 10.15.7 but I downloaded update, booted using update disk in clover menu but got error GV-Wake Failure (Photo available  HERE )

Please help me update. I have also posted full dump and my specs are below.

Also I have patched graphics and edid using Hackintool but sleep dosent work.

Dump: https://filebin.net/3a44u6i8vugs9or4


Intel CORE i3-5050U [Broadwell]

Intel HD graphic 5500



Laptop: HP 15-AC122TU

Edited by RagK
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update kexts and bootloader




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PicPay @danielnmaldonado

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13 hours ago, MaLd0n said:

update kexts and bootloader

Done and it finally booted but in middle of installation, it says this : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jFDNWV0ZXbEW0EMA_U9scXlcIjGpqHJT/view?usp=drivesdk

also I am not able to boot internal hard drive : /



Edited by RagK
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@MaLd0n Thanks for help successfully installed update but,

I have kernel panic issues randomly screen freezes and only option is to force turnoff (using power button)

I have log here 

panic(cpu 1 caller 0xffffff801e4288b7): "IOSCSIPeripheralDeviceType05::setPowerState(0xffffff8041abf470 : 0xffffff7f9e6f218a, 1 -> 4) timed out after 100917 ms"@/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/xnu/xnu-6153.81.5/iokit/Kernel/IOServicePM.cpp:5302
Backtrace (CPU 1), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff914dc23b40 : 0xffffff801dd3bb2b mach_kernel : _handle_debugger_trap + 0x47b
0xffffff914dc23b90 : 0xffffff801de734d5 mach_kernel : _kdp_i386_trap + 0x155
0xffffff914dc23bd0 : 0xffffff801de64f4e mach_kernel : _kernel_trap + 0x4ee
0xffffff914dc23c20 : 0xffffff801dce2a40 mach_kernel : _return_from_trap + 0xe0
0xffffff914dc23c40 : 0xffffff801dd3b217 mach_kernel : _DebuggerTrapWithState + 0x17
0xffffff914dc23d40 : 0xffffff801dd3b5fb mach_kernel : _panic_trap_to_debugger + 0x21b
0xffffff914dc23d90 : 0xffffff801e4d2aa9 mach_kernel : _panic + 0x61
0xffffff914dc23e00 : 0xffffff801e4288b7 mach_kernel : __ZN9IOService12ackTimerTickEv + 0x417
0xffffff914dc23e50 : 0xffffff801e428479 mach_kernel : __ZN9IOService21actionAckTimerExpiredEP8OSObjectPvS2_S2_S2_ + 0x9
0xffffff914dc23e60 : 0xffffff801e43f82e mach_kernel : __ZN10IOWorkLoop9runActionEPFiP8OSObjectPvS2_S2_S2_ES1_S2_S2_S2_S2_ + 0x3e
0xffffff914dc23ea0 : 0xffffff801e427228 mach_kernel : __ZN9IOService17ack_timer_expiredEPvS0_ + 0x38
0xffffff914dc23ec0 : 0xffffff801dd7d7e5 mach_kernel : _thread_call_delayed_timer + 0xea5
0xffffff914dc23f40 : 0xffffff801dd7d311 mach_kernel : _thread_call_delayed_timer + 0x9d1
0xffffff914dc23fa0 : 0xffffff801dce213e mach_kernel : _call_continuation + 0x2e

BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
Boot args: npci=0x2000 dart=0 -no_compat_check alcid=13 -wegnoegpu keepsyms=1 debug=0x100 alcdelay=1000 

Mac OS version:

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 19.3.0: Thu Jan  9 20:58:23 PST 2020; root:xnu-6153.81.5~1/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: A8DDE75C-CD97-3C37-B35D-1070CC50D2CE
Kernel slide:     0x000000001da00000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff801dc00000
__HIB  text base: 0xffffff801db00000
System model name: MacBookPro12,1 (Mac-E43C1C25D4880AD6)
System shutdown begun: NO
Panic diags file available: YES (0x0)

System uptime in nanoseconds: 2311143797137
last loaded kext at 963601080060: >usb.cdc.acm	5.0.0 (addr 0xffffff7fa0eeb000, size 32768)
last unloaded kext at 1047333128493: >usb.cdc	5.0.0 (addr 0xffffff7fa0e5f000, size 28672)
loaded kexts:


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USDT BSC BEP20 0xb57cfdfa371fad1981910f0e8332409ab99f74d9


PicPay @danielnmaldonado

PiX @[email protected]

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u need patched ur dsdt, etc

check useful links



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ETH BSC BEP20 0xb57cfdfa371fad1981910f0e8332409ab99f74d9

BNB 0x10D1d656eCa00bD521f9b4A43B83098B8142e115

USDT BSC BEP20 0xb57cfdfa371fad1981910f0e8332409ab99f74d9


PicPay @danielnmaldonado

PiX @[email protected]

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13 minutes ago, MaLd0n said:

u need patched ur dsdt, etc

I had sent dump in dsdt patch request and received some port renames from you. You also instructed me to patch edid which I did using Hackintool but unfortunately it did not work. 

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@MaLd0n Kernel panic is not solved !


panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff8014e14e17): "IOSCSIPeripheralDeviceType05::setPowerState(0xffffff80381ef140 : 0xffffff7f950f4234, 1 -> 4) timed out after 100690 ms"@/AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/xnu/xnu-6153.141.2/iokit/Kernel/IOServicePM.cpp:5296

Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address

0xffffff8126b3bb40 : 0xffffff801471a65d mach_kernel : _handle_debugger_trap + 0x49d

0xffffff8126b3bb90 : 0xffffff8014854a75 mach_kernel : _kdp_i386_trap + 0x155

0xffffff8126b3bbd0 : 0xffffff80148465fe mach_kernel : _kernel_trap + 0x4ee

0xffffff8126b3bc20 : 0xffffff80146c0a40 mach_kernel : _return_from_trap + 0xe0

0xffffff8126b3bc40 : 0xffffff8014719d27 mach_kernel : _DebuggerTrapWithState + 0x17

0xffffff8126b3bd40 : 0xffffff801471a117 mach_kernel : _panic_trap_to_debugger + 0x227

0xffffff8126b3bd90 : 0xffffff8014ec1a6c mach_kernel : _panic + 0x54

0xffffff8126b3be00 : 0xffffff8014e14e17 mach_kernel : __ZN9IOService12ackTimerTickEv + 0x6f7

0xffffff8126b3be50 : 0xffffff8014e146f9 mach_kernel : __ZN9IOService21actionAckTimerExpiredEP8OSObjectPvS2_S2_S2_ + 0x9

0xffffff8126b3be60 : 0xffffff8014e2bc8e mach_kernel : __ZN10IOWorkLoop9runActionEPFiP8OSObjectPvS2_S2_S2_ES1_S2_S2_S2_S2_ + 0x3e

0xffffff8126b3bea0 : 0xffffff8014e134a8 mach_kernel : __ZN9IOService17ack_timer_expiredEPvS0_ + 0x38

0xffffff8126b3bec0 : 0xffffff801475c605 mach_kernel : _thread_call_delayed_timer + 0xec5

0xffffff8126b3bf40 : 0xffffff801475c131 mach_kernel : _thread_call_delayed_timer + 0x9f1

0xffffff8126b3bfa0 : 0xffffff80146c013e mach_kernel : _call_continuation + 0x2e


BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task

Boot args: npci=0x2000 dart=0 -no_compat_check alcid=13 -wegnoegpu keepsyms=1 debug=0x100 alcdelay=1000 setpowerstate_panic=0 


Mac OS version:



Kernel version:

Darwin Kernel Version 19.6.0: Mon Aug 31 22:12:52 PDT 2020; root:xnu-6153.141.2~1/RELEASE_X86_64

Kernel UUID: 05D51A3D-3A87-3FF0-98C3-9CF3827A3EDD

Kernel slide:     0x0000000014400000

Kernel text base: 0xffffff8014600000

__HIB  text base: 0xffffff8014500000

System model name: MacBookPro12,1 (Mac-E43C1C25D4880AD6)

System shutdown begun: NO

Panic diags file available: YES (0x0)


System uptime in nanoseconds: 5993798602732

last loaded kext at 56888944931: >AudioAUUC 1.70 (addr 0xffffff7f97409000, size 32768)

last unloaded kext at 280387030817: >!A!ILpssGspi 3.0.60 (addr 0xffffff7f96de1000, size 45056)

loaded kexts:


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add in nvram setpowerstate_panic=0 and reset nvram 


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USDT BSC BEP20 0xb57cfdfa371fad1981910f0e8332409ab99f74d9


PicPay @danielnmaldonado

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4 minutes ago, MaLd0n said:

add in nvram 

rxx@MacBook-Pro ~ % nvram boot-args="setpowerstate_panic=0"

nvram: Error setting variable - 'boot-args': (iokit/common) general error

Did you mean this ?


I worked will report if another panic occurs (hope not) !

just edited sudo nvram boot-args="setpowerstate_panic=0"     Thanks a ton !!!!

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@MaLd0n Hey I read some guides and found this issue in sleep. Please help.


2020-09-27 21:03:39.986642+0530  localhost powerd[101]: [powerd:sleepWake] Wake reason: "<private>"  identity: "<private>"

2020-09-27 21:03:42.530619+0530  localhost powerd[101]: [powerd:sleepWake] Wake reason: "<private>"  identity: "<private>"

2020-09-27 21:03:50.096973+0530  localhost kernel[0]: (AppleACPIPlatform) AppleACPIPlatformPower Wake reason: GLAN EH01 EH02

2020-09-27 21:03:50.096975+0530  localhost kernel[0]: (AppleACPIPlatform) AppleACPIPlatformPower Wake reason: GLAN EH01 EH02

also I guess its problem related to DSDT so, DSDT.aml.zip


Edit you may also refer dump above if required.

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remove _prw from devices


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ETH BSC BEP20 0xb57cfdfa371fad1981910f0e8332409ab99f74d9

BNB 0x10D1d656eCa00bD521f9b4A43B83098B8142e115

USDT BSC BEP20 0xb57cfdfa371fad1981910f0e8332409ab99f74d9


PicPay @danielnmaldonado

PiX @[email protected]

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@MaLd0n KP is still not over.   : / 


panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff801b414e17): "IOSCSIPeripheralDeviceType05::setPowerState(0xffffff803eb9a590 : 0xffffff7f9bd7a234, 1 -> 4) timed out after 100795 ms"@/AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/xnu/xnu-6153.141.2/iokit/Kernel/IOServicePM.cpp:5296
Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff8037213b40 : 0xffffff801ad1a65d mach_kernel : _handle_debugger_trap + 0x49d
0xffffff8037213b90 : 0xffffff801ae54a75 mach_kernel : _kdp_i386_trap + 0x155
0xffffff8037213bd0 : 0xffffff801ae465fe mach_kernel : _kernel_trap + 0x4ee
0xffffff8037213c20 : 0xffffff801acc0a40 mach_kernel : _return_from_trap + 0xe0
0xffffff8037213c40 : 0xffffff801ad19d27 mach_kernel : _DebuggerTrapWithState + 0x17
0xffffff8037213d40 : 0xffffff801ad1a117 mach_kernel : _panic_trap_to_debugger + 0x227
0xffffff8037213d90 : 0xffffff801b4c1a6c mach_kernel : _panic + 0x54
0xffffff8037213e00 : 0xffffff801b414e17 mach_kernel : __ZN9IOService12ackTimerTickEv + 0x6f7
0xffffff8037213e50 : 0xffffff801b4146f9 mach_kernel : __ZN9IOService21actionAckTimerExpiredEP8OSObjectPvS2_S2_S2_ + 0x9
0xffffff8037213e60 : 0xffffff801b42bc8e mach_kernel : __ZN10IOWorkLoop9runActionEPFiP8OSObjectPvS2_S2_S2_ES1_S2_S2_S2_S2_ + 0x3e
0xffffff8037213ea0 : 0xffffff801b4134a8 mach_kernel : __ZN9IOService17ack_timer_expiredEPvS0_ + 0x38
0xffffff8037213ec0 : 0xffffff801ad5c605 mach_kernel : _thread_call_delayed_timer + 0xec5
0xffffff8037213f40 : 0xffffff801ad5c131 mach_kernel : _thread_call_delayed_timer + 0x9f1
0xffffff8037213fa0 : 0xffffff801acc013e mach_kernel : _call_continuation + 0x2e

BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
Boot args: npci=0x2000 dart=0 -no_compat_check alcid=13 -wegnoegpu keepsyms=1 debug=0x100 setpowerstate_panic=0 

Mac OS version:

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 19.6.0: Mon Aug 31 22:12:52 PDT 2020; root:xnu-6153.141.2~1/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: 05D51A3D-3A87-3FF0-98C3-9CF3827A3EDD
Kernel slide:     0x000000001aa00000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff801ac00000
__HIB  text base: 0xffffff801ab00000
System model name: MacBookPro12,1 (Mac-E43C1C25D4880AD6)
System shutdown begun: NO
Panic diags file available: YES (0x0)

System uptime in nanoseconds: 974253978994
last loaded kext at 200725943238: >usb.cdc.acm    5.0.0 (addr 0xffffff7f9e9ad000, size 32768)
last unloaded kext at 720567143538: com.hieplpvip.!ABacklightFixup    1.0.2 (addr 0xffffff7f9dfde000, size 12288)
loaded kexts:


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disconnect dvd rom


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USDT BSC BEP20 0xb57cfdfa371fad1981910f0e8332409ab99f74d9


PicPay @danielnmaldonado

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18 hours ago, MaLd0n said:

disconnect dvd rom

Its going crazy 😕 


panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff801f0469aa): Kernel trap at 0xffffff801f006695, type 13=general protection, registers:
CR0: 0x0000000080010033, CR2: 0x0000000107e29040, CR3: 0x0000000125db8140, CR4: 0x00000000003626e0
RAX: 0x0000000000000002, RBX: 0xffffff8056420470, RCX: 0x0000000000000000, RDX: 0x0000000000000016
RSP: 0xffffff803b45b250, RBP: 0xffffff803b45b250, RSI: 0xfffbff80432799c0, RDI: 0xffffff7fa03a2bfd
R8:  0x0000000000000063, R9:  0x0000000000000000, R10: 0xffffff8042c957b8, R11: 0x0000000000000000
R12: 0x0000000000000003, R13: 0x0fffffff0000158c, R14: 0x0000000000000001, R15: 0x0000000001000009
RFL: 0x0000000000010246, RIP: 0xffffff801f006695, CS:  0x0000000000000008, SS:  0x0000000000000000
Fault CR2: 0x0000000107e29040, Error code: 0x0000000000000000, Fault CPU: 0x2, PL: 0, VF: 0

Backtrace (CPU 2), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff801ed52220 : 0xffffff801ef1a65d mach_kernel : _handle_debugger_trap + 0x49d
0xffffff801ed52270 : 0xffffff801f054a75 mach_kernel : _kdp_i386_trap + 0x155
0xffffff801ed522b0 : 0xffffff801f0465fe mach_kernel : _kernel_trap + 0x4ee
0xffffff801ed52300 : 0xffffff801eec0a40 mach_kernel : _return_from_trap + 0xe0
0xffffff801ed52320 : 0xffffff801ef19d27 mach_kernel : _DebuggerTrapWithState + 0x17
0xffffff801ed52420 : 0xffffff801ef1a117 mach_kernel : _panic_trap_to_debugger + 0x227
0xffffff801ed52470 : 0xffffff801f6c1a6c mach_kernel : _panic + 0x54
0xffffff801ed524e0 : 0xffffff801f0469aa mach_kernel : _sync_iss_to_iks + 0x2aa
0xffffff801ed52660 : 0xffffff801f0466a8 mach_kernel : _kernel_trap + 0x598
0xffffff801ed526b0 : 0xffffff801eec0a40 mach_kernel : _return_from_trap + 0xe0
0xffffff801ed526d0 : 0xffffff801f006695 mach_kernel : _strncmp + 0x15
0xffffff803b45b250 : 0xffffff7fa0718813 com.apple.filesystems.apfs : _object_in_jhash + 0x13a
0xffffff803b45b2a0 : 0xffffff7fa07185a3 com.apple.filesystems.apfs : _apfs_jhash_getvnode_internal + 0x78
0xffffff803b45b300 : 0xffffff7fa06d0324 com.apple.filesystems.apfs : _apfs_get_namedstream_vnode + 0x132
0xffffff803b45b4a0 : 0xffffff7fa06cf6c4 com.apple.filesystems.apfs : _apfs_inode_getxattr + 0x142
0xffffff803b45b5f0 : 0xffffff7fa06cf512 com.apple.filesystems.apfs : _apfs_vnop_getxattr + 0xae
0xffffff803b45b620 : 0xffffff801f1b019a mach_kernel : _VNOP_GETXATTR + 0x5a
0xffffff803b45b690 : 0xffffff7fa03a14d7 com.apple.AppleFSCompression.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib : _compression_decode_buffer + 0xb81
0xffffff803b45b6f0 : 0xffffff7fa03a17b9 com.apple.AppleFSCompression.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib : _compression_decode_buffer + 0xe63
0xffffff803b45b7c0 : 0xffffff7fa03a116f com.apple.AppleFSCompression.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib : _compression_decode_buffer + 0x819
0xffffff803b45b850 : 0xffffff801f1c4a78 mach_kernel : _decmpfs_pagein_compressed + 0xd18
0xffffff803b45b8a0 : 0xffffff801f1c4211 mach_kernel : _decmpfs_pagein_compressed + 0x4b1
0xffffff803b45b960 : 0xffffff7fa06e42a0 com.apple.filesystems.apfs : _apfs_pagein + 0x28b
0xffffff803b45ba40 : 0xffffff801f50998c mach_kernel : _vnode_pagein + 0x61c
0xffffff803b45bb30 : 0xffffff801ef93a08 mach_kernel : _vnode_pager_cluster_read + 0x48
0xffffff803b45bb90 : 0xffffff801efa3e4d mach_kernel : _vm_fault_page + 0x92d
0xffffff803b45bca0 : 0xffffff801efa8c09 mach_kernel : _vm_pre_fault + 0x1209
0xffffff803b45bf10 : 0xffffff801f046bce mach_kernel : _user_trap + 0x17e
0xffffff803b45bfa0 : 0xffffff801eec094f mach_kernel : _hndl_alltraps + 0xdf
      Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
            dependency: com.apple.kec.corecrypto(1.0)[1984287F-ABE7-3770-9FD9-61565B55E332]@0xffffff7f9fedd000
            dependency: com.apple.driver.AppleEffaceableStorage(1.0)[C2105304-AC59-36D5-8B54-FFD784D63A8B]@0xffffff7fa0644000
            dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOStorageFamily(2.1)[CB3CB8CA-881A-37F3-A96B-8063CAF0476D]@0xffffff7f9fb3e000

BSD process name corresponding to current thread: netstat
Boot args: npci=0x2000 dart=0 -no_compat_check alcid=13 -wegnoegpu keepsyms=1 debug=0x100 setpowerstate_panic=0 

Mac OS version:

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 19.6.0: Mon Aug 31 22:12:52 PDT 2020; root:xnu-6153.141.2~1/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: 05D51A3D-3A87-3FF0-98C3-9CF3827A3EDD
Kernel slide:     0x000000001ec00000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff801ee00000
__HIB  text base: 0xffffff801ed00000
System model name: MacBookPro12,1 (Mac-E43C1C25D4880AD6)
System shutdown begun: NO
Panic diags file available: YES (0x0)

System uptime in nanoseconds: 2272286415052
last loaded kext at 455604512416: >usb.cdc.acm    5.0.0 (addr 0xffffff7fa20a6000, size 32768)
last unloaded kext at 723201052607: com.hieplpvip.!ABacklightFixup    1.0.2 (addr 0xffffff7f9fb0a000, size 12288)
loaded kexts:

I am not using OsxAptioFix*.efi or AptioMemoryFix.efi.  Is the problem due to this ?

Edited by RagK
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use ocquirks. clover use it too


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10 hours ago, MaLd0n said:


use ocquirks. clover use it too

Mald0n can you lease check this clover folder I am using I think something is wrong in it. also panic seems to be happening on while ethernet is plugged. is RTL8100 buggy ? 

https://filebin.net/hyti3tdexz9ti078.    CLOVER

NOTE: I have deleted AptioMemoryfix as I was getting error : already started returned from AptioMemoryFix.efi

Edited by RagK
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