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Mojave installation on ASUS Zenbook UX461UA


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Hi everybody and happy new year, i'm french, i'm writing this post in english, and i'm not really confortable.

I have installed Mojave 10.14.2 on my laptop Asus UX461UA.

For the moment, it's not finished.

I begin my install with this guide: 

[GUIDE] Booting the OS X installer on LAPTOPS with Clover UEFI

Keyboard work with VoodooPS2Controller.kext

Screen resolution 1920x1080 with config.plist for HD620 from RehaMan

My post-installation

I extract DSDT with Clover F4 and use terminal with rehabman's Maciasl to disassembly.

[Guide] Patching LAPTOP DSDT/SSDTs

Trackpad work, but i lost it in a few minutes if i don't use it.

I put "VoodooI2C.kext", "VoodooI2CHID.kext" to the folder L/E (i use kextBeast) and delete AppleIntelLpssI2CController.kext, AppleIntelLpssI2C.kext from SLE (repair permissions with kext Utility).

Sound work with VoodooHDA except HDMI.

I don't use the "pkg" only put VoodooHDA.kext to the folder L/E and delete AppleHDA.kext fromSLE

Speakers, jack and microphone seems OK.

Before I tried the method with AppleALC/HDA and patched my dsdt with layout12, but it doesn't work. Certainly because i have a realtek ALC294 (0x8086D71).

I hope finding a better solution to fix completely.

Battery work with ACPIBatteryManager.kext and dsdt pached with "battery_ASUS-N55SL" fromRehabMan.

Backlight Control work with "SSDT-PNLF.aml" in clover/ACPI/patched

Fnkeys  work with "AsusNBFnKeys.kext" and Keyboard back lighting with some patch to DSDT "Fn Brightness Keys+KeyboardBacklight"

Native NVRAM ? I think it is OK but i'm note sure i follow this help Native NVRAM Available

I configure my smbios and other with this help An iDiot's Guide To Imessage

Capture d’écran 2019-01-11 à 14.21.45

I don't call now, i'm waiting to have a best configuration.

Full acceleration graphics?

I don't know if it's work, i tested with "Open GL viewer".

If someone can advice or help me, he will be kind.

I joint some files and hope solutions to finish my hack.



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