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Cisco AM10 RT3072 WIFI


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Hi all, this is my first post here, I've recently build my hackintosh i5 760 + GA-P55A-UD3 F11 Rev2.0 + MSI GT430, lion 10.7.2 all is working (icloud, and all devices)

I have this particular device as alternative for internet and cannot get it to work, the cisco AM10 is a wireless N device with integrated drive so no-cd for drivers, I've found ralintech drivers for lion rt2870 and edit the kext and the only thing I got for now is a kernel panic when I insert the dongle...before was able at least to read the usb drive (FAT), I found the following info about linux and this device:



I don't know how to make a reverse engeneering from mac terminal, please help me...

what can I do? any tip?

big tks


this is the info I have from system profiler:

Cisco AM10 USB Hub:

ID del producto: 0x0169

ID del fabricante: 0x1307 (USBest Technology Inc.)

Versi贸n: 1,00

Velocidad: Hasta 480 Mb/s

Fabricante: Cisco Systems, Inc.

ID de la ubicaci贸n: 0xfd100000 / 2

Corriente disponible (mA): 500

Corriente necesaria (mA): 80


Capacidad: 130 MB (130.023.424 bytes)

Soporte extra铆ble: S铆

Unidad extra铆ble: S铆

Nombre BSD: disk2

ID del producto: 0x1169

ID del fabricante: 0x1307 (USBest Technology Inc.)

Versi贸n: 1,00

N煤mero de serie: 0000000000052D

Velocidad: Hasta 480 Mb/s

Fabricante: Cisco Systems, Inc.

ID de la ubicaci贸n: 0xfd110000 / 3

Corriente disponible (mA): 500

Corriente necesaria (mA): 80

Tipo de mapa de particiones: MBR (Registro maestro de arranque)

Estado S.M.A.R.T.: Incompatible



Capacidad: 130 MB (130.007.040 bytes)

Disponible: 91,2 MB (91.238.400 bytes)

Grabable: No

Sistema de archivos: MS-DOS FAT32

Nombre BSD: disk2s1

Punto de montaje: /Volumes/USB DISK

Contenido: DOS_FAT_16

so the hub as /2 and the usb disk /3 are properly detected, but nothing about the wifi maybe /1 or /4

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