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After my mavericks install usb boots, my monitor goes to sleep. It shows IOBluetooth....Completed. NVDAHal loaded and registered and then my monitor goes to sleep. I use Nvidia 8600GT 1GB. I did the following,

1. Used bootflags such as GraphicsEnabler=No, GraphicsEnabler=Yes, -f, IGPEnabler=Yes...etc.

2. Removed intel and ati drivers.

3. Removed org.chameleon.boot.plist

The problem is the same no matter what I do.

Pleaseeeee help me. Thank you.

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Sometimes my system boots fine. Sometimes monitor goes to sleep. I installed mavericks. So, now I removed nvidia kexts but I have no resolution.

How to get resolution and QE/CI? I really really need resolution. Help me please.

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how did u enable in ML ?

mavs same thing to enable the graphics.. i read somewhere are people using old nvenabler (x64)

good hack


I didn't enable it in ML, that's what I'm saying. My card works with mountain lion without any hacks or edits. It's vanilla.

But mavericks only boots sometimes which means my card is still supported. That's why I'm desperate to make it work. I need some great minds on this forum to give me ideas.

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Stay calm

Did You install the system? or are you still trying to install?

You don't have to remove any kext video ... What was your method of installation? You made your own bootable USB or got this? http://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=3836

If you have problems with graphical, is more advisable boot with -x

The system will trigger the VESA mode and boot

It's graphic is 100% compatible, after booting is only enabled in org.chameleon GraphicEnabler=Yes ... and ready.

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Stay calm

Did You install the system? or are you still trying to install?

You don't have to remove any kext video ... What was your method of installation? You made your own bootable USB or got this? http://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=3836

If you have problems with graphical, is more advisable boot with -x

The system will trigger the VESA mode and boot

It's graphic is 100% compatible, after booting is only enabled in org.chameleon GraphicEnabler=Yes ... and ready.


I installed without any hacks or edits. I restarted four times and it reached installer. If I restart 4 or more times, it'll boot once. That's the problem. I don't know what's causing the graphics to go to sleep.

I made my own usb and also tried the method on that link. The problem is the same. I get apple logo and everything loads. But goes to sleep after IOBluetooth... I kept restarting and sometimes it boots. So, that's how I installed mavericks. I know it works. There's just something we've to find out.

I booted with -x and my monitor still goes to sleep.

I have attached a screenshot. After that screen, monitor goes to sleep. If I'm lucky, it shows the installer with super resolution. That happens rarely.


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Try Adjust your power management. Enabling P and C States in org.chameleon... with Chameleon Wizard.

Adjust your Bios: http://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1804

If you have any integrated GPU disable it in Bios.



I enabled p and c states, configured bios as in the link. It was already confgured that way. Integrated GPU is disabled. Monitor still goes to sleep after that screen as though nothing changed. When it boots after several restarts, I configured and was ready to use it but I have this problem. :(

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