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GA-X58-USB3 and 10.7.1


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18:01:13: Trying to download available patches...

18:01:14: Data successfully downloaded.

18:01:21: Pack Gigabyte - GA X58-USB3 selected.

18:01:22: Trying to download patch...

18:01:23: Patch file successfully downloaded.

18:01:23: Extracting system DSDT...

18:01:23: Decompiling DSDT...

18:01:23: Parsing DSL code...

18:01:24: Applying patches...

18:01:25: Saving the new DSL file...

18:01:25: Compiling and checking compiler errors...

18:01:25: First compile errors: 7

18:01:25: Fixing errors...

18:01:25: Second compile errors: 7

18:01:25: Compiling again...

18:01:25: Third compile errors: 7

18:01:25: Errors persisted all fixing tentatives, please post this log at Olarila.com forums

[[Line 215 type Error message Object does not exist (OSTP)], [Line 222 type Error message Object does not exist (\_SB.PCI0.PX40.AG3E)], [Line 223 type Error message Object does not exist (SLPE)], [Line 228 type Error message Object does not exist (\_SB.PCI0.PX40.AG3E)], [Line 230 type Error message syntax error, unexpected PARSEOP_ELSE ], [Line 232 type Error message Object does not exist (\_SB.PCI0.PX40.AG3E)], [Line 242 type Error message syntax error, unexpected PARSEOP_METHOD, expecting $end ]]

18:01:25: Aborted, compilation failed

After updating to 10.7.1, my sound stopped working (no built-in audio devices present). I was hoping there was a newer DSDT that fixed it.

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