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Booting from Harddrive?


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I just got into MAC and wanted to put it on this beast here:


my friend sold me his old one cheap ($800) and it runs great (he got some new alienware trash)

but - I guess I'm STUPID because I just cannot figure out how to get my system to boot up my MAC OS X Harddrive. It just wont recognize it.

The problem I think is that my BIOS simply will not boot the MAC OS X partition because it cannot detect it.

It's some horrible Aptio Setup Utility garbage that Im not used to, it has no options really. I dont even know how I'd flash it off with something better or even whats compatible with my system.


Im not sure what to do. I've read tons of help guides but im very confused as to what even applies to me

right now 10.8.2 has been given me some problems and I can only boot it in safe mode cant use wireless but i can use ethernet cable(LAN)

but thats because of incompatible hardware. Also the GTX 660M is incompatible too which is ok for now....

SOrry for all the words: basically what the hell do I do when he says this:

"- Install boot loader to the HD."

because if I could boot my OS without needing the USB all the time that would be great....

Ive already installed chameleon wizard and it does nothing, I have the mach_kernal in the root / dir and nothing.

the problem is that BIOS will NOT detect anything non-NTFS related or MSDOS

so my drive is set up with my os in its own partition.

so I tried making a new MSDOS one for the bootloader I had downloaded but the problem is that it wont let me write to it from inside of MAC OS X. perhaps cuz im in safe mode... but right now it wont let me boot out of safe mode because i messed something up with multi beast.

So if anyone could provide this noob with step by step instructions on how I could get my OS or bootloader to boot from HD without USB I would be very grateful. unless its impossible because of my shitty horrible BIOS Aptio Setup Utility...... UGGGHHHHHH I MISS CMOS......

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not sure if using multi-beast 5.0.2 over 5.2.0 did anything just now but I can now boot out of safe mode utilizing

-v -f -F

otherwise I get stuck with some strange errors like pthread support ABORTS

and one other about configuration


anyway now that i am out of safe mode i will experiment with creating a bootable drive partition while inside the MAC OS X. and hopefully my crap Aptio Setup Utility BIOS will detect it and launch it like it was a USB

but if anyone could provide some help I would be very grateful!

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Progress Report:

Okay first I must apologize for not reading a bit more about it:

or atleast not fully understanding what I read <-- yea

So I followed THIS guide


and it WORKS

make sure to boot into the MAC OS X set up install using the chameleon loader.

right now my only problems are my GPU crashing which is something i'll mess with next

also I had to partition and format my main drive in the MBR format, or the Main Partition thing. Could not get GUID to be detected by my BIOS. That was the main thing I think. after I did that my Operating Systems partitioned would just cary that value and would also be detected.

also I had to get these: http://www.osx86.net/downloads.php?do=file&id=3389

couldnt find the most recent version, so just install that package and you'll get them but its in the /usr/standalone/ path which is hidden so I'd get this too http://gotoes.org/sales/ShowHiddenFilesMacOSX/ShowAllFiles.app.zip

well ill let you all know how the GPU tinkering goes. I'm trying to get my system to and make it work like an iMAC 13,2... too bad no one has uploaded a SMBIOS for it yet with powermanagement support... I think i got to do other things to make my system more stable now

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