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Not being able to boot Lion 10.7.3 without -f Flag


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Hello everyone!

I am new to the forum and to hackintoshing.. but after a couple of weeks and sleepless nights I managed to install Lion 10.7.3 on my PC, as follows:

Intel foxconn motherboard DG31PR

Intel Core 2 Duo E6550 2.4 ghz

2 x 2GB DDR 2 800Mhz Kingmax

1 x PciE Nvidia Gigabyte GT 550TI 1024mb/192 bit

2 x 250 GB Western Digital HDD

1 x 80 GB Caviar HDD ( Lion Install )

1 x DvdWr LG

22'' BenQ HD LCD

I'm sorry if it's a long post but I want to ease the help that I can get and make you guys undesrtand the build.

I installed off a bootable DVD with Chimera built in to it. Normal install. Boot master record ( because I want to dual boot into windows 7 as well just in case), etc.. I installed : Chimera, voodoo hda old bit stable kext for audio, my network card from there also, the and pretty much that's it. I enabled Graphics Enabler without any other kext for video.

The system installed fine, 20 something minutes, rebooted..and booted again from dvd and then from HDD Lion.

When I got @ the desktop I had sound, network and basic graphics ( no QI/CE enabled). My video card was also recognized as GT 550TI but as with 1532 mb instead of 1024( it's cosmetics..i don't care). Also , my core 2 duo was recognized but as SOLO cpu ( Intel Core 2 Duo E6550 Solo CPU - weird-). I opend one of the latest editions of Chameleon and installed the bootloader to HDD so I can boot from it. I opened up BIOS and modified it from 3.1 to 8,1 as it's the closest match to my configuration. I then opened multishit and selected Easybeast ( i think :( sorry can't remember..it's the first one at the top) and system utilities and installed. I then Opened OSX86TOOLS and enabled from there QI/CE ..as it was saying that it is disabled. After that I rebooted.

On reboot I got a kernel panic and frooze.. it was refering to Bluetooth.. flags and safe mode..or any flag couldn't help so..i looked around and decided to disable through single user mode and then delete the kext for bluetooth. Done! Superb!

Powered on: Quart and hardware accelaration enabled.. ripple effect..chess..etc. all was ok. Sound, networks..the works.

Rebooted again just to be sure, result = OK!

Then I shut it down. Just to be sure When powering it back on I got a CPU 0 KP ( i will post a pic of it ) and I don't know why ..but I restarted the pc and booted again but with Flag : -f .

That being said everyting works ok now! Superb even.. I love my Mac PC .. even if it's fot the first time that I am using a mac OS ..but it's already my favourite..it's so intuitive.. But the problem..cosmetic one really, remains that I have to Always type -f when booting the Mac OS. Without it I get the same KP (pic to follow when I get home).

If anybody who had the patience to read through all this ( I doubt that :)) ) can give me a hand with this KP or flag ..that would be great.

I know the flag refers to :-f = Tells the machine to reload all kext and dump the boot configuration cache, (kext cache found in: /System/Library/Extensions.mkext, you can delete it manually and the system will recreate it).

I am afraid to make any changes on my own. I finnaly managed to get it working after 15 something installs..and really at the end of my patience regarding that. So sugest something that doesn't mean a full reinstall or any chance of the system not booting up :|


No dsdt. I had one but in previous installs last week they never helped me. KPs..a lot of them..all after installing the dsdt. no qe/ci either..so.. yeah..that's it.

Help me or don't..but i'd rather you did

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Very confusing post. Try to keep away from all those tools you don't remember well which option you used, it will make your life easier. Try a clean install like this http://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=134


i will post a pic of it

Please do it.


(kext cache found in: /System/Library/Extensions.mkext, you can delete it manually and the system will recreate it).

This is true for Snow Leopard, but not for Lion, which uses kernelcache.


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