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Wake issue afternoon update 10.7.4


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Hi, I've a problem with wake from sleep.

My hackintosh (p5e3 deluxe, gt 512 oc, q6600) with 10.7.3 works perfectly.

After update to 10.7.4 i have an half wake, pc is on but my monitor is off. Ant. Solution??? Thanks

Lion 10.8.4, q6600 - p5e3 deluxe GTX 550 ti 1 gb - 8 gb ddr3 corsair 1600

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Same problem here on Asus P5E.

Looks like the problem is with AppleACPIPlatform.kext, using previous version it works fine.

Using "-v debug=0xff" in boot flags I see these ACPI errors, don't know if they are related to the problem


[_PSS] Namespace lookup failure, AE_ALREADY_EXISTS

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