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Struk at 1024x768 resolution.


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Hello Everyone,

I am a noob to OSX and post reading several articles was able to install Leopard ( unable to get Snow Leopard as it gets a Apple failure , Stop symbol) with a problem with the display resolution , which is struck at 1024x768.

My System configuration is as :

1> Chipset Type NVIDIA GeForce 8300

2> Main Board : ASUS M3N78-EM

3> Monitor : LG2360 LED.

To get full resolution i tried the following :

1> I tried to edit the com.apple.Boot.plist with higher resolution but nothing happens.

Graphics Mode1280x1024x32@60

2> Downloaded SwitchresX application and tried to run but in vain (nothing happens).

3> Downloaded OSX Tools and tried to add EFI string but i get a error message as :


"System events got error : Cant get contents of configuration of property list "\library\prefrences\system\configuration\com.apple.Boot.plist" "

Kindly suggest what should be done to get the full resolution

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Thank you, for the prompt response.

I tried using Lizard as discussed and was able to get 1680x900 resolution which was improvement over 1024x768 but still cant get the full resolution 1980x 1024

I tried modifying the string with out refresh rate as :

Graphics Mode1280x900x32

If i try to modify at next higher resolution string it simply gets a white horizontal bar on the Screen.

I also tried copying the properties> string with the help of OSXtools which landed me in boot failure.

Kindly suggest what could i do , again my Mother board is ASUS M3N78-EM with Geforce 8300 onboard GPU.

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