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Hello folks...

I'm new here, please be gentle ;)

first and foremost - great job across the entire OSX86 community, all work is greatly asppreciated by 1000's I'm sure!


My setup is : Gigabyte GA-965P-DQ6 Rev1, iatkos L1.

My quesiton really is the usage of "packs" and "patches".

I have not been involved with OSX for that long - but love the os.

what I am wanting to know is DSDT patching in general - what is it really designed to do? - i'm not what you would call an experianced developer / DSDT understander :? niether do i understand the basics of it (in terms of what to do)

dont get me wrong i have watched the animation :lol: and read alot.....but

Basscily I am wanting to get to a point where I am only relying on FakeSMC, ALC88xHDA.kext (i have ALC888-0).

to date i have managed to "patch" the actural bios with a more defined DSDT. using an old app "DSDT and bios patcher"

this has allowed me to remove the need for the graphics, HDA enablers and NullCPUManagment.kext


- These packs what would they alow me to remove (kext's)

- how on earth do i enable sleeping (and be able to wake) - all attemps failed so far (no KP - just iether complete shut downs or non wakening)

does anybody have a fully dedveloped "patch" for this board, that takes care of everything

again i am deeply sorry for being simple here - but i do hope someone can lend a hand.

Greatfull in advanced

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- These packs what would they alow me to remove (kext's)

Nothing, you already did ("this has allowed me to remove the need for the graphics, HDA enablers and NullCPUManagment.kext").


- how on earth do i enable sleeping (and be able to wake)

There's a patch for your mobo in http://Olarila.com/forum/packs.php but it must be applied to your original DSDT (before BIOS mod). I also recommend a clean install (not iATKOS).


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Thanks Cassio, Much appreciated!

I did look at the packs - this is what confuses me a little... there are loads!!

all across the internet... are patches, patches... i mean are there better or worse ones?

are there "complete" or "incomplete" ones

I mean is a patch a patch would a patch from this resource do something different to another?

clean install, not iatkos :shock:

are you saying i can purchase lion now from the app store and it will install??

again.... thanks

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What patches are you talking about?

I'm talking about patches from this forum, you need this


and this if you are using on-board video


both are on the php listings.


are you saying i can purchase lion now from the app store and it will install??

Not directly, but with a few modifications, yes.

USB http://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=134

DVD http://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=740


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I have come across a wide range of different pacthes to be used with different methods of fixing DSDT.

i have however just had a thought - they are different utilities so they are bound to look different right.

again Thanks for your help

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